About this site

Back in 2004, I created a blog called "Dead on Friday," which tried to find lesser-known Grateful Dead shows from both the popular years as well as the ones that most collectors have traditionally avoided.

I think I got about 12 posts in when I gave it up. It took a lot of time to compose entries, after all, and I was busy! I had my own band at the time, and most evenings were spent either with them or my family. Those days are long gone, and I have a little more free time, as well as a desire to get the blog back up and running.

The surviving members are putting on a series of shows this summer in Chicago, called "Fare Thee Well." It's understood among most that this is the last time they'll play together. They're in their 70s, after all, and playing concerts takes a lot of energy out of a 30-year-old, I can't imagine what it does to someone like Phil, who is going to be 75 this year.

I'm fortunate to have scored a ticket to one show - 7/3/2015. I honestly don't expect much from the show - we'll be fortunate if the music is interesting throughout, with a few moments of brilliance. Mostly, I just want to say good-bye to the boys and soak up that vibe one last time.

In preparation, I've been listening to the Grateful Dead again, quite a bit in fact. I don't know how often I'll post here, but I'm interested to see what happens.

My first order of business will be to re-publish here the twelve shows that I did review, back in 2004-20015. I won't put up anything new until that's done. I have a few ideas on shows I'd like to write about and share, but we'll see what happens.

One last item: while I was writing the original blog ten years ago, I made some "digital" friends that I hope to make contact with again. I'm not sure how I'll do that, as their blogs have since gone the way of my original one. I'll try to find some contact info, but until then, if you guys happen upon this, drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you again. 


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